enter.help & enter community expansions

We’re excited to soon expand enter.help with several new languages, and to invite our Spanish, French, German and Scandinavian speaking frens to have a chat in Discord. Get all the details of the new expansion of enter.help and community here.

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@enter.artPUBLISHED 6TH MAY 2022

We boast a lot about enter.help, and in our humble opinion, for good reason. We believe an efficient support center is a fundamental key to success, maybe particularly in the crypto space, where users oftentimes are left alone in a jungle of scams and misleading information. 

With enter, we wanted to make it easy and accessible for anyone to explore NFT creation. In addition to offering safe tools that are free to use, we also strive to provide the necessary resources for anyone to easily get started with their NFT adventure, all while being backed up by real human beings along the way. 

enter.help aims to revolutionize the way users are being met in the crypto space. No matter if you are a traditional artist who just took the first steps to NFT creation, an investor who wants to DYOR, or a collector who’s stumbled upon a bug using our platforms, enter.help is full of resources and our support team is always there to help you out. 

“We want to be human, responsive and proactive, and ensure that the users of the enter ecosystem always get the help they need, when they need it." - enter.help vision

Knowledge on all levels

Through our ticketing system, you can be sure to receive quality support, and in our knowledge base, you can find the answers to any regular platform related question. Another important resource to mention is enter.blog, where you can really dig into fundamental crypto and NFT knowledge in general. 

The people manning the desk over at enter.help, are also the ones taking care of the onboarding process of all new creators. While KYC is a crucial part of the onboarding process, another important aspect is guiding new creators through the hoops of getting started. Here you will meet our wonderful help & onboarding team, dedicated to answering any question that might arise - from the basics of connecting your wallet to the technicals of finding solutions for your particular NFT project. We're honored to have these amazing people on the team, like Eirik, who you've most likely met on your way in the enterverse

“The thing in life that gives me the most pleasure is helping other people. Working with support and onboarding for enter is the best job I have ever had. I approach every issue our users face like I’m helping a friend. I feel very privileged to be working with the onboarding of artists on the platform. It’s super fun and inspiring to go through all the art and music our applicants send in.” 

It has always been important to us to meet our users at the level they are at - knowing that what is obvious to the seasoned NFT veteran, may not be for new creators taking their first steps into the space. For us, that means taking a step back and brushing up on some basics in lengthier articles on the blog, covering even the simplest topics in the knowledge base, and opening a line of communication to ensure that no-one gets left behind. 

After all, if mass adoption of crypto and NFTs is ever to take place, the companies building in the space are to some extent all responsible for educating and paving the way for those they invite to partake in this new era of web3.

Catering to different needs

enter has been a global community from the very beginning, and before we even launched enter.art in 2021, we had followers from all over the world. With this in mind, we’re excited to meet our users and community on an entirely new level, by expanding our knowledge base to cater to four new languages!

Soon, you will be able to direct your NFT curious, but not-so-English-savvy friends and family who want to get started creating or collecting on enter, to our multilingual knowledge base. The upgraded enter.help will cover all of our existing resources in Spanish, German, French, and Norwegian. 

You will also notice a new layout to the knowledge base. With the new additional languages, we’re also rebranding the categories and bringing in a whole new Feature Overview. The good old FAQ section is also making a return so that you can easily navigate specific features and questions others have asked before you. 

Expanding the enter community

As if the concept of crypto and NFTs isn’t heavy enough to get around, to begin with, another layer of confusion is added when complex wording in a foreign language gets thrown into the mix. While most people today can get around the internet fairly easily with the use of Google Translate, it can be nice to connect with like-minded people in a language you’re 100% familiar with. 

Therefore, next to expanding our knowledge base to cater to new languages that are spoken across the world, we’re also opening several new channels in our Discord community! These channels will be open, general chats where you can kick back and share the joy of everything enter, crypto, and NFT related with fellow Spanish, German, French or Scandinavian speaking frens.

As the enterverse grows across the globe, we’re excited to see the community expand and look forward to inviting more creators, collectors, and investors to join the fun. We hope to eventually cater to even more languages and people, as we continue to build for a future where anyone can be a part of the amazing NFT space through the enter

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